ETEC 543

Course Description
Exploration of connections between technology and the teaching and learning process through a study of research design, data collection and analysis.
This course has taught me a research method that I had never heard of before. Action research is a research method practical and suited for educators. It allows educators to effectively identify an issue and conduct research to arrive at results to further improve teaching methods. In this course, I learned the process of action research by completing assignments that complemented each step in the process. First, I learned how to plan and develop a research plan, then to collect and analyze data, lastly, how to write a research proposal. Learning this material will allow me to pursue my career in teaching with greater confidence, since I now posses the knowledge to be able to conduct action research in my own classroom.Taking this course gave me a preview of what is to come in the Instructional Program, this was only the beginning and I look forward to seeing what else this program has prepared for its students.